Latest News Archive

As the price of Bitcoin plummets, will BTC casinos fall with it? Digital currencies are all the rage in the investment world today. Investing is all about taking risks. The higher the risk, the higher the (potential) reward. And there’s nothing more risky these days than investing in digital currencies like Bitcoin. If you...
Category Banking Options, Bitcoin, Blog, Casino Games, Latest News

Mobile Slot Machine Review: Microgaming’s Lucky Little Gods Slot coming February 2018. Are the Gods of Fortune shining upon you in 2018? If so, this is one new mobile slots game you’ll want to take a few spins on come February. Microgaming’s development team has put together something special for the Chinese New Year,...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Latest News, Slot Machines

Casino Games on Mobile: Ultimate convenience or overly accessible? In the last ten years, following the introduction of smartphone and tablet technology, the business world has experienced revolutionary change. Many merchants, who once believed the online space was not a necessary medium of sales, have changed their tune. From the small-time mechanic down the...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Latest News, Slot Machines

Political online betting gurus pick Oprah Winfrey for US President in 2020. Oh yes, the word is getting around. Oprah Winfrey for President! Some sports betting sites are so keen on the concept, they’re already offering odds on the American talk show host’s bid for the Presidency. But wait… she isn’t running for president....
Category Blog, Latest News, Politics, Specialty Betting

The Pied Piper mobile slot now live at Quickspin casinos. As a child, many of us heard the story of the Pied Piper. Which version you heard really depends on your culture, age, and the reasoning behind your parents’ retelling of the tale. You see, there are many different ways to relay the story...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Latest News, Slot Machines

Microgaming adds to its online video slots portfolio with new Deco Diamonds by JFTW. Dec·o (ˈdekō/) noun 1. short for art deco. Dia·monds (ˈdī(ə)mənds/) plural noun 1. a precious stone consisting of a clear and typically colorless crystalline form of pure carbon, the hardest naturally occurring substance. 2. A girl’s best friend! As these...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Latest News, Slot Machines

Canada’s best female poker player, Kristen Bicknell, headlining Poker After Dark’s ‘Femme Fatale’ week. Kristen Bicknell had an amazing year in 2017. She bubbled in 28 live poker tournaments, including two 1st place finishes and a final table appearance at the 2017 WSOP’s $10k 6-Handed Championship. Following a spectacular start to her career via...
Category Casino Games, Latest News, Poker

Is the government in cahoots with BC casinos to cover bury money-laundering scandal? Some certainly seem to think so, after a labor group is reportedly being charged a ludicrous fee to release files under the Freedom of Information (FOI) clause. Unite Here, the labor union that represents casino workers in British Columbia, submitted an...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Gambling Laws, Latest News

Atlantic Lottery kicks off 2018 with yet another plea for online casino poker expansion. For well over a decade, the Atlantic Lottery Corporation (ALC) has been providing the provinces Atlantic Canada with a safe, secure and self-regulated online lottery service. In all that time, the online gambling services have been heavily restricted. To start...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Gambling Laws, Latest News, Lottery, Online Gambling, Poker, Specialty Betting, Sports

Crown Resorts divesting of mobile sports betting platform CrownBet. For the last year, Australian casino entertainment group Crown Resorts, has been dumping assets like heavy barrels on a sinking ship. The latest divestment is CrownBet, a mobile sportsbook platform the company owns 62% stake in. Reports that CrownBet would be the next on the...
Category Blog, Latest News, Specialty Betting, Sports