Slot Machines Archive

Mobile Slot Machine Review: Microgaming’s Lucky Little Gods Slot coming February 2018. Are the Gods of Fortune shining upon you in 2018? If so, this is one new mobile slots game you’ll want to take a few spins on come February. Microgaming’s development team has put together something special for the Chinese New Year,...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Latest News, Slot Machines

Casino Games on Mobile: Ultimate convenience or overly accessible? In the last ten years, following the introduction of smartphone and tablet technology, the business world has experienced revolutionary change. Many merchants, who once believed the online space was not a necessary medium of sales, have changed their tune. From the small-time mechanic down the...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Latest News, Slot Machines

Microgaming’s top 3 highest payback percentage slots online. The online casino industry has changed a lot over the last two decades. It’s grown immensely in that time, delivering a vastly more secure and properly regulated experience. But as the range of games – especially slots – expands ever larger, their RTPs seem to get...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Slot Machines

The Pied Piper mobile slot now live at Quickspin casinos. As a child, many of us heard the story of the Pied Piper. Which version you heard really depends on your culture, age, and the reasoning behind your parents’ retelling of the tale. You see, there are many different ways to relay the story...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Latest News, Slot Machines

Microgaming adds to its online video slots portfolio with new Deco Diamonds by JFTW. Dec·o (ˈdekō/) noun 1. short for art deco. Dia·monds (ˈdī(ə)mənds/) plural noun 1. a precious stone consisting of a clear and typically colorless crystalline form of pure carbon, the hardest naturally occurring substance. 2. A girl’s best friend! As these...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Latest News, Slot Machines

Favorite Casino Games: How where you live effects what you play. What’s your favorite gambling game of choice? Is it slot machines or blackjack? Maybe you prefer baccarat, video poker or a good old fashion spin of the roulette wheel? Chances are, what you play most is derivative of where you live. According to...
Category Baccarat, Bingo, Blackjack, Blog, Casino Games, Poker, Roulette, Slot Machines, Sports, Video Poker

Scrutiny and rationalization of online casino gambling laws Yukon. The Yukon is a unique territory of Canada. It is the smallest of the three territories, sharing in their number one economic trade of mining. Despite its location as the northwestern-most region of the country, Yukon’s climate isn’t so extreme as the Northwest Territories (NT)...
Category Casino Games, Gambling Laws, Lottery, Online Gambling, Slot Machines, Specialty Betting, Sports

Nunavut online gambling laws for international casino players. The Canadian territory of Nunavut is quite unique. It’s the newest territory in the nation, established in 1999 when the federal government chose to divvy up the Northwest Territory. Nunavut is now the largest territory in the country, comprising most of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Despite...
Category Bingo, Blackjack, Casino Games, Gambling Laws, Lottery, Online Gambling, Slot Machines, Sports

Unraveling the mysteries of the highest paying slots in land-based casinos. Every avid gamblers has their own idea of how to beat the casino. Some are successful, at least some of the time, but most are not. For slots players, it often has to do with the wide range of theories revolving around where...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Slot Machines

Cognizant Review of PEI Online Gambling Laws: What’s really legal? Prince Edward Island is the smallest of all Canadian provinces. Made up of one main island, and 231 smaller islands, it only encompasses 5,686 square kilometers. If you happen to live there, you probably already know that. What you may not know, however, is...
Category Casino Games, Gambling Laws, Lottery, Online Gambling, Slot Machines, Specialty Betting, Sports