Online Poker Archive

You’re either a good online poker player, or you’re not. You can’t fake skill on the internet. There’s an enormous difference between live and online poker when it comes to the use of skill. In a live setting, anyone can fake being good at the game. It might work well for them, or it...
Category Live Poker, Online Poker, Poker Guides, Poker Sites, Poker Strategies

Counting cards in blackjack got him banned. Using a false ID got him ejected from a WSOP poker tournament. Joseph Stiers now suing Caesars for compensation. Every veteran of poker knows that there are strict rules you must abide by. One of the most important is the provision of your real name and address....
Category Live Poker, Online Poker, Poker News, Poker Tournaments, WSOP

Are ladies only tournaments good or bad for poker? This is a debate that has raged on for nearly a decade. Ladies-only poker events… are they good for the game, or discriminating against the dominant male pool of players? There’s a relevant argument on both sides of the coin, which makes it hard to...
Category Live Poker, Online Poker, Poker Tournaments, WSOP

Why live and online poker prop players face extinction. You don’t hear much about prop players in the poker realm anymore. Sure, they still exist, but their numbers are dwindling, and there’s good reason for it. The poker industry, both online and on land, is healthier than ever before. Land-based poker rooms don’t have...
Category 888Poker, Live Poker, Online Poker, PartyPoker, Poker News, Poker Sites, Unibet Poker

Guide to daily high roller poker tournaments at 888Poker. 888Poker is one of the largest internet poker sites in the world. Open to Canada, parts of South America and much of Europe, it has a steadily active player base round the clock. Being the online home of a multitude of renowned professionals—including elite 888Poker...

Bounty Hunter Tournaments get 200,000x Better at PartyPoker. Clear your schedule this Sunday, because you’ll want to have plenty of time to hit up PartyPoker for the biggest bounty hunter tourney of the year. PartyPoker has been hosting exceptional bounty events all week, and it will culminate into a massive $200k BIG Bounty Hunter...
Category Online Poker, PartyPoker, Poker News, Poker Sites, Poker Tournaments

Chance to win $500k in cash at Canada’s favorite 888Poker. For a limited time, 888Poker is hosting a special promotion that all members can take part in. It’s based on a series of daily freeroll tournaments, and is guaranteed to deliver cash prizes worth up to $500,000 before it’s over. No cost, no risk,...

6+ Hold’em games sweep the online poker community. There’s a new poker game around the barnyard these days. It goes by a variety of names. Some call it Short Deck Poker. Others know it as 6+ Hold’em, or 36-Card Poker. Whatever you want to call it, it’s already earned its rightful place in the...

GVC’s flagship online poker room, Party Poker, experiences immense growth in first half of 2018. A few short years ago, the online poker industry was experiencing rapid decline. One of the oldest and most reputable operators is Party Poker, who was at the very top of the totem pole in the early 2000’s. The...
Category Gambling in Canada, Live Poker, Online Poker, PartyPoker, Poker News, Poker Sites

How Concerned Should I Be About Online Poker Bots? The majority of the world’s adult population are hard working people. Day in, day out, entering the work force to make ends meet. I can’t even imagine how many times people have thought, if I just had a robot here to do my work for...
Category Online Poker, Poker Strategies