3 Oct

Pros and Cons of Ladies Only Poker Events

Are ladies only tournaments good or bad for poker?

WSOP Ladies Only Poker TournamentsThis is a debate that has raged on for nearly a decade. Ladies-only poker events… are they good for the game, or discriminating against the dominant male pool of players? There’s a relevant argument on both sides of the coin, which makes it hard to give a straight answer.

Interestingly enough, it’s not just men who believe ladies-only poker events should be eliminated. Some of the world’s best female poker pros find them degrading. Then again, most women, and even a lot of men, feel it’s a boon for the game; a way to bring more women out of the woodwork and into the live poker circuit.

Today, we’ll take a look at both sides of the argument. One subject we won’t get into is accusations of ill-treatment towards women from some of the male players. While this is a genuine problem, sexism in poker is a separate issue that cannot be resolved by the increase or elimination of gender-segregated tournaments.

Pros of Ladies Only Poker Events

The most positive aspect of female-only poker events is the argument that brought them about in the first place. Tournament organizers were looking for a way to increase female interest and participation in the sport. Gender equality in the field would attract more entries overall, and of course be more profitable for tournament organizers.

It’s not just an opportunity for growth, but a way to increase the overall population of women at the tables. There are many more women who play poker than tournament averages would suggest. In the live sector, tournaments are attracting about 4% female players on average. However, according to some statistics, as many as one-third of all online poker players are female.

In an ideal world, gender equality in the poker field would be great for the game and the players. But not everyone agrees that ladies poker events are the way to get there.

Cons of Ladies Only Tournaments

In this regard, the most persuasive argument is that ladies-only events lack moral ideology. Inequality in marketing does nothing to help bring the two genders together. Imagine if the WSOP installed a new male-only poker event? I think we can all agree that wouldn’t go over very well. Then again, no one really complains about seniors events…

Another aspect that seems to be turning players off is the fact that anyone can enter ladies poker tournaments. That’s right – even men can register and play these events. In most regions, the law does not allow for gender discrimination.

For several years, men made up a small but notable portion of the field at WSOP ladies events. They still do, but these days, they are strongly discouraged by a legal loop-hole in which the WSOP can charge men a much higher buy-in. For example, a ladies event with a $1,000 buy-in for female entrants might cost men up to $10,000 to enter.

Balancing the Debate

What it really boils down to for most professionals is weighing their morals against their desire to see poker progress into gender equality. If you look at it from a moralistic stand-point, ladies only poker events are simply not fair, just as men’s only events would be unfair. If you care more about the growth of poker, however, the logical conclusion is there’s no real harm in it. These games are doing what they were meant to do, attracting 1,000+ female players in major series like the WSOP.


  • Adalene Lucas

    is our jack of all trades here at DBC. She is a skilled coder, gambler, writer and webmaster. She lives in Manitoba where she enjoys the lush landscapes and camping near Tulabi Falls. Nature gives her inspiration to write. When she's not immersed in nature, her favorite words are "game theory". She lives with her husband and their two Labradors, Kophy and Whisper.

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