Skat Archive

You can play home poker games online easily. Learn how to play poker and games with friends online, in multi-player or home game format....
Category Board Games, Card Games, Coup, Cribbage, Dice Games, Euchre, Hearts, Kaiser, Mobile Apps, Poker, Skat, Social Party Games, Yahtzee

Of all the card games still popular in modern Canadian society, all can be classified into one of just a few categories. Doing so, you'll find the largest list appears under the heading, 'Trick-Catching Games'....
Category 9-5-2, Board Games, Bridge, Canadian Salad, Card Games, Euchre, Forty-Fives, Hearts, Hola, Kaiser, King Pedro, Mitaine, Skat, Two Hundred, Yukon

US and Canadian tournament schedule for Skat players. Each year, American and Canadian Skat leagues make their way across the continent to compete in a series of major tournaments, including the 5th US Open Championship that wrapped up in Florida last month. Congratulations to Texas native and ISPA USA Vice President Jim Leissner for...
Category Card Games, Skat
13 Mar

Learn how and where to join a local Canadian Skat club. Before I began researching and authoring a complete Skat section for the website a few weeks ago, I honestly had no idea just how popular this card game was in Canada. I’d played it before. I knew it was a German favorite. But...
Category Card Games, Skat
12 Mar

How to play Skat with a pot, baseline bets, or a per-point betting system. Skat is an extremely entertaining game. It’s been enjoyed by players of all ages throughout many countries of the world. As with all games, our competitive human nature is a strong motivation for winning. But it doesn’t have to be...
Category Card Games, Skat

Reviewing the top Skat game app for iOS and Android devices. I have to admit, Skat isn’t a game I was super familiar with until just recently. I had dabbled with it in the past, but it wasn’t until I began writing this segment on Skat just a few weeks ago that I really...
Category Card Games, Mobile Apps, Skat

Skat Tips & Hints: Bidding and game play considerations. Skat isn’t the type of game where you can lay out a straight-forward strategy and stick to your guns. It’s not like blackjack, where the numbers on each visible card determines every move you make. If it were, it would be so much easier! But...
Category Card Games, Skat, Strategies & Tips

Take your Skat game to a whole new level with these divergent rule variations. So far in our recent series on how to play Skat, we’ve covered a lot of ground. We started with the official rules of the game, as upheld by the German Skat Federation and International Skat Players Association (ISPA). We’ve...
Category Card Games, Skat

Popular variations of Skat played in Canada and elsewhere. The rules of Skat are complicated enough without convolution. If you’ve just recently learn to play the game, I wouldn’t recommend throwing additional rules into the procedure. But for those who’ve been playing for years, it can be fun to mix things up a bit....
Category Card Games, Skat

History of Skat from 19th century Germany to modern day Canada. Skat, like so many card games of our day, originated far across the ocean in Europe centuries ago. In that regard, it’s actually one of the younger card games to spread across the globe. Skat just recently celebrated its 200th birthday (although the...
Category Card Games, Skat
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