Monthly Archive:: June 2018

Coup is a fascinating card game, shrouded in secrecy, demanding nerves of steel, and players with a thirst for power. Each player is dealt secret identities, utilizing deception to hide their own, and deduction to unveil those of their opponents. Invented by Rikki Tahta, Coup is a game for 2-6 players, recommended ages 10...
Category Board Games, Card Games, Coup

Honestly, I probably shouldn’t be writing this page. Sure, there are some effective ways to increase your odds of winning Creights. There are specific opportunities to watch out for – cards to love and loathe – tactful maneuvers to better destroy your opponents. But that isn’t what the game of Creights is about! Well,...
Category Card Games, Creights, Strategies & Tips

Creights (a.k.a. Crates, or Craits) is a mash-up of two older card games, Crazy Eights and Uno. Ostensibly developed to give adults a more entertaining and challenging way to play popular children’s games, it’s enjoyed immense popularity throughout North America—especially here in Canada and northern US states—for nearly half a century. Before we get...
Category Card Games, Creights
27 Jun

As is so often the case with Canada’s most popular card games, there are multiple variations that can be applied to the Standard Rules of Creights (aka Crates). While the traditional rules are most commonly followed, changing things up can make the game more interesting, and give more experienced players a greater, or lesser,...
Category Card Games, Creights

Creights (aka Crates) is one of the most unique and fast-paced fun party games you’ll ever play. It’s a speed version of the classic children’s game, Crazy Eights, with a lot more rules to confuse and confound you—which is the whole point! In fact, the name Creights is an amalgamation of the title, Crazy Eights,...
Category Card Games, Creights
25 Jun

Literature isn’t your typical adult, group-play card game. Comparable to the classic children’s game of Go Fish, the rules are much more complex. A good Literature (Canadian Fish) strategy takes time and inherent skills to master. Unless playing in a purely casual setting, it’s not the best game choice for everyone. Before I get...
Category Card Games, Literature, Strategies & Tips

Literature is a popular, exciting and mentally challenging card game that’s played right here in Canada, and many other parts of the world. Although the precise history of Literature is not clear, there are several known facts, as well as some educated guesses that can be theorized based on those facts. Theoretical and Known...
Category Card Games, Literature
21 Jun

Literature—a.k.a. the adult version of Go Fish, or as some know it, Canadian Fish—is played in many different regions of the world (under various other names). Being so wide spread, it’s no surprise that there are so many different Literature rule variations in circulation. More Ways to Play Literature (Canadian Fish) I could spend...
Category Card Games, Literature

Literature is, in essence, a fancy name for an adult version of the popular children’s card game, Go Fish. As such, it’s commonly known as Canadian Fish in the Great White North. It’s also known by a few other names, such as Happy Families, Russian Fish, or simply Fish. Don’t worry! Although based on...
Category Card Games, Literature
19 Jun

You know the rules of Rummy 500 (aka 500 Rummy). You’ve got a little experience under your belt. Now, you want to know how to win. Rummy 500 is a simple game to learn, but not so easy to master. Our goal today is to give you enough strategy tips to help increase your...
Category Card Games, Rummy 500, Strategies & Tips