Sports Archive

Industry First: A virtual conference will be held to discuss the future of gambling post-coronavirus outbreak. Every year, a number of conventions and conferences are held in various part of the world to discuss the present and future state of the gambling industry. They talk about all forms of land-based gambling, online gambling, AR...
Will snide remarks against regulators ensure Stakers Sportsbook never returns to the UK market? When a subjacent is chastised by its superior, the typical response is one of capitulation and acquiescence. An admonished child hangs its head apologetically. An employee ensures the boss that their work will improve. But sometimes – on rare head-turning,...
Flutter+Stars 40% share of UK sports betting market raises CMA flag. Mergers and acquisitions are nothing new to the online gambling industry, especially in this day and age. Consistently tighter regulations are market saturation are sending even the largest operators shuffling for more profitable business models. For two of the UK’s absolute largest brands,...
Who has the best real money slots app on Google Play? Head over to the Google Play Store, look up real money slots, and guess what you get? Thousands of results, most of which do not offer any form of real money gambling. You’ll be bombarded with free-play apps more than anything. Some of...
PayPal, being the good and upstanding business that it is, wasted no time bowing out of the US market. Canadian customers were still accommodated for years, right up until the US flip-flopped. The federal government changed its mind, saying states could individually legalize and regulate iGaming as they saw fit....
Last month, around the same time Flutter was announcing its intentions to bring TSG into the fold, a corporate phenom by the name of Andrew Higginson signed on as a non-executive director of the company board. Mr. Higginson has his fingers in a lot of corporate pies these days, so it didn't raise any...
The Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation has recently released its annual revenue report for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019. Within that verbose document of numerical wonders lies the tale of a blossoming gambling industry. All facets of gaming saw an increase in overall revenue, but none so impressive as a digital market...
Who better to explicate the situation than Paul Burns, President and CEO of the Canadian Gaming Association (CGA)? He and his organization have been there all along, supporting legislative expansion, lobbying parliament, and contributing documented evidence that legalization is far more beneficial to society as a whole than prohibition has been, especially since the...
By all means, we are among the most liberal online gambling nations in on the planet! However, our government has been 'waiting and watching' for an awfully long time. Our provinces are doing their best to capitalize on the opportunities provided, launching ring-fenced iGaming operations within most provinces, but they are tired of...
Suffice it to say, if you have a new product you'd like to put on the market, there's no better place to host an official launch. That's exactly what the executive team at Mazooma thought when they scheduled the debut of Xpress-branded eCheck Select deposits....
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