Poker Strategies Archive

The lowest poker rake isn’t always the best choice. Wait, what? Did I read that right? Yes, you did. The lowest rake isn’t always the best rake. Sometimes, a higher poker rake is actually better. How could this be? It’s a situational thing, really. It depends greatly on injecting a few variables into the...

Three important aspects of your online poker arsenal. Every strategic poker player has a bag of tricks. The bigger the bag, the most successful the poker player—usually. Knowing when to pull which trick out of the bag is the real key to success. And because online poker doesn’t give you the same range of...
Category Online Poker, Poker Guides, Poker Strategies

Perplexing Poker: The more you fold, the more you win! As crazy as that will sound to novice poker players, it’s the truth. Ask any successful pro how often they fold, and they’ll tell you at least 90% (usually more) of their hands get thrown away—some as early as pre-flop, others as late as...
Category Live Poker, Online Poker, Poker Guides, Poker Strategies

The value of poker books in the digital age. In previous generations, the spread of poker knowledge was primarily achieved through books. Professional players and mathematicians wrote complete guides to poker variants, hand calculations, odds calculations, how to read poker tells, and everything else considered valuable to a player’s strategic arsenal. Times have changed...
Category Live Poker, Online Poker, Poker Guides, Poker Strategies

Learn why many poker pros prefer cash games to tournaments. In the greater scheme of poker evolution, there’s a basic order to things. New players learn the rules, then enter low-stake cash games to hone their skills. Next, they move up to tournaments, hoping to one day claim bigger rewards, if not a coveted...
Category Live Poker, Online Poker, Poker Guides, Poker Strategies, Poker Tournaments, WPT, WSOP

Three secrets new online poker players need to know from day one. If you’re just about to get started playing online poker, there are three very important things you need to know about. These aren’t exactly secrets, but they are things your opponents aren’t going to tell you about. Most new players figure them...
Category Freerolls, Online Poker, Poker Guides, Poker Strategies

Professional poker training is an eternal commitment to further education. I have to wonder, if Sir Isaac Newton were alive today, would he be among the world’s greatest poker players? His first law of motion states: “An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in...
Category Live Poker, Online Poker, Poker Strategies

Playing poker on mobile is convenient, but hardly adaptable for today’s most serious grinders. For years, PC gaming was all the rage. Many video gamers and online gamblers still prefer playing on a desktop computer. However, the rise of smartphones and tablets has taken the experience to a whole new level of convenience and...
31 Aug

Is playing online poker really better than playing live? Poker is poker. Whether you prefer Texas Hold’em, 7 Card Stud, or a more traditional game of 5 Card Draw, the rules of each game won’t change between live and online formats. In this way, one could argue that there’s really no difference between playing...

Fixed Limit, Pot Limit & No Limit betting structures in Hold’em poker games. Learning the basic rules of Texas Hold’em or any other Hold’em-oriented poker game is only the first step in acquiring the necessary knowledge to get in on the action. The next step is understanding all the different betting structures that can...
Category Live Poker, Online Poker, Poker Guides, Poker Strategies