Casino Games Archive

Tory is asking the “anti-fun police” to stand down and let Toronto seniors have their fun. They're not out spending their pensions on slot machines. They're getting out of their homes, away from their televisions, and into a social setting where a small amount of change buys a perfectly innocent evening of entertainment...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Gambling Laws, Latest News

The government is not commenting on the new Macau gambling laws, and the documentation is being kept confidential. According to Bloomberg's Jinshan Hong, inside sources who've seen the document say the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau now requires all digital surveillance and facial recognition equipment to be tested and approved before use. The...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Gambling Laws, Latest News

To rat-hole chips is to discreetly take a small amount of the chips from your stack and slip them into your pocket. Notice I said from your chip stack, not the chips you bet on the table. That would be cheating! (See how easy it is to mix that up?)...
Category Blackjack, Blog, Casino Games

Shoot to Win is a mechanical edition of the same old craps games we've come to know and love over centuries of dice rolling. Modern casinos took the game off the streets and onto felted tables, where it could be properly wagered on – in their favor, of course....
Category Blog, Casino Games, Craps

Yggdrasil's Trolls Bridge 2 Slot This review isn't going to cover every single aspect of the new Trolls Bridge II online slot machine – not because it isn't worthy, but because I simply don't have that kind of time! Yggdrasil's design team infused this game with more features than any title before it. With...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Latest News, Slot Machines

Realistic Games' First Progressive Jackpot Slot Realistic Games may not carry the reputation of Microgaming, but it's certainly no newbie to the iGaming arena. The company was founded in 2002, and since breaking away from third-party publications in 2011, has released more than 80 games on its independent ReGal platform....
Category Blog, Casino Games, Latest News, Slot Machines

What no one (accept its creators) realized upon release of the update was that, depending on where a player lives, their experience within the new GTA Online casino might be different than someone elses. Specifically, some players will be able to partake in the casino games, and some players will not. Which experience...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Gambling Laws, Latest News, Online Gambling

I've come up with a new term, and I'd like to share it with you today. I call it “Slotsology”, and define it as the theory behind why we play slot machines. Think about it for a moment. From a strategic gambler's standpoint, every fiber of our being should be telling us to...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Slot Machines

GTA's Diamond Casino & Resort Open for Business There's loads of activity going on within the casino, including a new property, new missions, a variety of resort amenities to partake in, and of course the ability to play casino games - six different types to be exact. For your wagering pleasure, choose form...
Category Blackjack, Blog, Casino Games, Horse Racing, Latest News, Poker, Roulette, Slot Machines, Specialty Betting