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When Emoji Slot games attack! Those laughing, winking, crying faces (and occasional globs of poop) are invading online casinos in 2017. Emoticons—a merged term that refers to icons delineating a person’s emotions through facial expression – have been around for many years. When the first real time, multi-user chat interfaces came along (mIRC chats,...
Learn how to play the latest craze in online blackjack variations, European Blackjack Redeal, available at all Microgaming no-download casinos. I’ve been playing blackjack at live and online casinos for many years now. In all that time, I’ve come across some pretty interesting variations of the game. I always considered Blackjack Switch to be...
Discover the driving force behind the global phenomenon of slot machines online and on land. They’re easy, cheap and offer huge payouts. What’s not to love? After more than a century of evolution, slot machines have become the most beloved form of gambling all over the world. Sports betting, horse racing, poker, blackjack –...
Thanks to constant innovations in technology, people can now play a real internet slot machine from anywhere, anytime. Mobile devices like smartphones and tablets are mainstream items. Playing from home on a desktop computer is also an option, although its preference has faded in the last few years. What does a real internet slot...
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re among the multitude of gaming fans who are looking for a good real money blackjack app for Android. Thanks to modern, hand-held and wholly interactive mobile devices, you know there have to be options out there. But you might be surprised by how limited they are. The...
We all want to play the best online casino games. But not everyone is going to agree that single game is better than all the rest. What determines the selection of those games depends on our definition of the term “best”. Do you consider the best online casino games to be those that carry...
Oh, how times have changed! A new Ontario casino site expansion planned for London is being welcomed with open arms by the community. It’s a far cry from the reaction incurred twenty years ago when a mere 300-machine slots lounge proposal appeared on the docket. The new Ontario casino site is being built as...
To the untrained eye, every slot machine looks the same. But did you know there’s a huge difference between class ii vs class iii slot machines? Almost every country in the world regulates some form of slot machines. They are offered to the adult public within licensed land-based casinos, online casinos, taverns, clubs, airports and/or...
WGS Technology is one of the online casino industries oldest digital slots firms. WGS was originally Odds On Game, before re-branding to Vegas Technology, and now WGS Technology. The games have only gotten better with age (and name changes), exemplified by this week’s release of the first installment in a new Wild X Slots...
In the old days of Las Vegas, free casino drinks were the norm. Players at the bar expected to be served, and bartenders were happy to oblige. Frothy beverages and fruity cocktails were liberally poured as an incentive to stay and play. Now, casinos are scraping the barrel for every dollar they can, reserving...
See Jacktpot City
See Jacktpot City
Our 2023 editorial pick for your gaming needs