Lottery Archive

Appeals Court will hear case of ALC’s arguably unfair Video Lottery Terminals. In major gambling destinations—Las Vegas, Reno, Atlantic City, all the casinos of Southern Ontario—slot machines are the norm. They are the most commonly played gambling devices in North America. Aisle after aisle, bank after bank, slot machines line the floors of casinos...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Gambling Laws, Latest News, Lottery, Slot Machines, Specialty Betting

Switzerland’s new online gambling laws to require licenses in 2019. Switzerland has long been known for its neutral position among leading nations. Come January 1, 2019, that stance will no longer apply to online casino games. A few months ago, the Swiss government adopted new internet gambling regulations. Implementation of the Swiss Gambling Act...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Gambling Laws, Latest News, Lottery, Online Gambling, Poker, Specialty Betting

Live keno odds may be terrible, but great for low-budget thrill seekers. If you’ve spent any time playing casino games, or read any good books on gambling strategies, you’ve probably heard that keno is among the worst games to play. Yes, it can be. Or not. It all depends on the question you’re asking....
Category Blog, Casino Games, Keno, Lottery, Specialty Betting

The largest lottery jackpot ever – and why it wasn’t. Every US resident from Nome, Alaska to the US Virgin Islands heard the news last week. The Mega Millions Lottery was said to be worth $1.6 billion; the highest lottery jackpot in global history. Even people in other countries heard the news, rushing online...
Category Blog, Latest News, Lottery

Top 10 worst gambling losses per capita by country. Here in Canada, most of us don’t see gambling as a problem. Then again, most of us don’t spend a large amount of money gambling—or at least, we don’t think we do. That’s because most of us don’t consider the lottery to be gambling. If...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Gambling Laws, Lottery, Specialty Betting, Sports

OLG hires Bede Gaming for Ontario online casino makeover. When a house becomes run down, we renovate. If we tire of our look, we get a makeover. When business is flagging, we reevaluate product and market strategies. And when Ontarians get bored with local iGaming services, operators call in a new tech designer to...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Latest News, Lottery, Poker, Specialty Betting, Sports

Quebec will try again to block access to offshore online gambling sites. Quebec has been determined to eliminate competition from offshore gambling websites for more than four years. Protecting the people, and provincial revenue, are the apparent goals. Side-winding the constitution is the means. Their plan, which involves mandating internet providers to enforce IP...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Gambling Laws, Latest News, Lottery, Online Gambling

Italy bans TV, radio and online gambling promotion ads. For years, problem gambling has been a major issue in countries all over the world. Each jurisdiction has seen fit to address the matter in its own way. This month, Italy is taking extreme measures to resolve the problem and reduce addiction. By a narrow...
Category Blog, Casino Games, Gambling Laws, Latest News, Lottery, Online Gambling, Specialty Betting, Sports

Will inaugural ICE North America ignore Canada online gambling market? A very stimulating announcement was made last week. Clarion Gaming, host of the annual ICE Totally Gaming summit in London, UK (and others), proclaimed the inaugural ICE North America is coming in 2019. The entire iGaming industry is dizzy with anticipation. But now, a...
Category Blog, Gambling Laws, Latest News, Lottery, Online Gambling, Specialty Betting, Sports

Stigma dissolves from Canada internet casinos, poker, and sports gambling. Rejoice, for it is official! According to university researchers, the stigma that has surrounded online gambling—and casino gambling in general—has finally become a deliquesce of nature in Canada. No longer is logging on to an internet casino, poker room or sportsbook a shameful activity,...
Category Blackjack, Blog, Casino Games, Gambling Laws, Latest News, Lottery, Online Gambling, Poker, Roulette, Slot Machines, Specialty Betting, Sports