Asshole Archive

Asshole (aka Scum) is a card game for all ages (depending on what you call it, of course). But for adults, it can also be a fun drinking game. Before the game starts, it’s recommended to have some type of alcohol at the ready. Beer, wine, liquor shots – pick your poison! Each player...
Category Asshole, Card Games, Drinking Games

Asshole isn’t your typical card game. Despite its rather derogatory name, Asshole history dates back much further than you might think. It’s based on an ancient genre of “climbing games”, wherein participants must play increasingly higher ranking cards throughout. It’s also considered a “shedding game”, with the objective of being the first to run...
Category Asshole, Card Games

Asshole is an incredibly fun card game that ranks players from royalty to low-lives, hence its derogatory name. It’s played all over the world, and is an especially popular drinking game here in Canada. Due to its vast, global favoritism, there are many popular variations to the rules, as well. If you aren’t familiar...
Category Asshole, Card Games

Asshole is a card game of great popularity in Canada and many other regions of the world. It goes by a wide range of names, generally depending on where it’s played. In the US, it’s called President, since the rank of winning and losing players scales from highest recognition (President, Vice President…) to lowest...
Category Asshole, Card Games