Monthly Archive:: May 2018

Asshole is a card game of great popularity in Canada and many other regions of the world. It goes by a wide range of names, generally depending on where it’s played. In the US, it’s called President, since the rank of winning and losing players scales from highest recognition (President, Vice President…) to lowest...
Category Asshole, Card Games

Countless Canadian players enjoy Contract Bridge, especially Rubber Bridge, every week. Some play for sheer entertainment, others for prestige and even cash prizes. To be among the latter, you’ll need to have a supreme understanding of the rules, a good deal of experience, and a partner of equal aptitude. Applying strategy for Bridge relies...
Category Bridge, Card Games, Strategies & Tips

Bridge is a fascinating card game that’s enjoyed immense popularity throughout Canada for nearly a century. First developed in the 1920s, the game is played throughout the world, albeit with regional rule variations. Canadians tend to prefer the more traditional rules of Contract Bridge, or Rubber Bridge. In tournaments, Duplicate Bridge rules are often...
Category Bridge, Card Games

Scoring in Bridge is a complicated system based on a multitude of attributing factors. For that reason, we’ve chosen to write this as a separate section, detailing the complete scoring system. For all other rules, please see Part 1: How to Play Bridge – Rules and Game Play. You may also be interested in...
Category Bridge, Card Games

Bridge is perhaps the most well-constructed card game in the world. It’s extremely popular in North America, where Bridge clubs hold regular events and tournaments. Bridge rules are a bit more complex than other card games, but not difficult to learn with a bit of practice. How to Play Bridge The following set of...
Category Bridge, Card Games