King Pedro Archive

Of all the card games still popular in modern Canadian society, all can be classified into one of just a few categories. Doing so, you'll find the largest list appears under the heading, 'Trick-Catching Games'....
Category 9-5-2, Board Games, Bridge, Canadian Salad, Card Games, Euchre, Forty-Fives, Hearts, Hola, Kaiser, King Pedro, Mitaine, Skat, Two Hundred, Yukon

Immensely popular through parts of Canada, the US, and various countries around the world, King Pedro is played in groups, tournaments, and is widely available online. Prior to the breakout of Hearts in the early to mid 1900s, it was actually considered one of the best skill games of the last century. King Pedro...
Category Card Games, King Pedro, Strategies & Tips

King Pedro is a popular Canadian card game that’s derived from an American game known simply as Pedro; the word Pedro meaning Five. By its original rules, the 5 of trump is worth the most scoring points (five). In most Americanized variants, the trump 5 is the Right Pedro, and the 5 of the...
Category Card Games, King Pedro

In our first dissemination of this popular card game, we discussed the standard rules of King Pedro, as it’s most commonly played in Canada. We followed that up with Ukrainian-Canadian King Pedro rules, as members of those communities often play it with a varied dealing, points and scoring system. This time, we’ll be detailing...
Category Card Games, King Pedro

Previously, we published the rules of Canadian King Pedro. As promised, we’re also dedicating an entire page to the game as it’s played within Ukrainian-Canadian communities. The rules are quite different, as you’ll see. Some players prefer this version, as it’s a bit more challenging. Instead of utilizing a kitty, taken by the winning...
Category Card Games, King Pedro

King Pedro (“pee-drō”) is a rather unique card game played in many countries all over the world—and known by about as many names. Here in Canada, we know it as “King Pedro”, although it can be played by two common sets of rules. There’s the standard Canadian King Pedro game, and the Ukrainian-Canadian version....
Category Card Games, King Pedro