Forty-Fives Archive

Of all the card games still popular in modern Canadian society, all can be classified into one of just a few categories. Doing so, you'll find the largest list appears under the heading, 'Trick-Catching Games'....
Category 9-5-2, Board Games, Bridge, Canadian Salad, Card Games, Euchre, Forty-Fives, Hearts, Hola, Kaiser, King Pedro, Mitaine, Skat, Two Hundred, Yukon

Auction Forty-Fives isn’t the easiest card game to learn, and is even harder to master. The order of rank does not follow traditional card value rankings, and can take some time to get used to. If you’re not yet familiar with the game, our first suggestion is to take a close look at the...
Category Card Games, Forty-Fives, Strategies & Tips

Forty-Fives is such an old, wide-spread game that it goes by a vast number of names. They include Forty-Fives, Forty-Five, Auction Forty-Five(s), Strong Fives, One Hundred Twenty, Auction One Hundred Twenty, Growl, and—the first known names—Spoil Fives and Maw. This trick-catching card game originated in either Ireland or Scotland, and is extremely popular among...
Category Card Games, Forty-Fives

Auction Forty-Fives (aka One Hundred Twenty) is a popular card game throughout Canada. A direct descendant of the Irish game, Spoil Five, it’s particularly favored by Irish-Canadians in Nova Scotia. Like so many games that spread from one region of the world to another, not everyone plays by the same rules. Over time, several...
Category Card Games, Forty-Fives

Card fans in Nova Scotia have a favorite trick-catching game they call Auction Forty-Fives. A bidding version of the original Forty-Fives card game, it’s played all over Canada, but is incredibly popular among Nova Scotia’s Irish communities. Oddly enough, the name Forty-Fives (45s) has no meaning in the more popular Auction Forty-Fives variant. That name...
Category Card Games, Forty-Fives