14 Feb

Play for Real Canadian Money at Tablets Casinos

Yes, you can play at tablet casinos for real Canadian money!

Tablet Casinos for Real Canadian MoneyIn the last few decades, society has accepted the fact that we can do just about anything on a desktop or laptop computer. Since the advent of the first iPhone in 2007, that same reality has transitioned to smartphones. But are tablets as universally capable as their smaller, cellular cousins?

For the most part, yes. Almost anything you can do on a mobile phone, you can also do on a tablet. They aren’t generally equipped with a SIM card, so they aren’t the best choice for texting or calling up your significant other to wish the a happy Valentines Day. But you can do pretty much anything else – even playing for real Canadian money at tablet casinos.

Smartphones VS Tablets

Aside from one being a phone, there are only two major differences between smartphones and tablets. The first is obvious – size. Having a bigger screen makes tablets less convenient on the road, but much easier to use at home, especially for playing games or watching movies on the sofa.

The other difference is the way they connect to the world wide web. Again, without a SIM card, a tablet needs a WiFi connection to access the internet. Maybe you’re one of those super-savvy tablet owners who has all of their devices connected to a 4G network – it can be done. But for the rest of us average-income bill payers, our home WiFi, or a local hotspot, will have to suffice.

With that being said, let’s take a look as some of the pros and cons associated with playing real money tablet casino games.

Tablet Casinos for Real Canadian Money – Pros

Tablet devices, like the top-selling iPad and Samsung Galaxy series, are especially handy for playing casino games online. Many of the games have a lot of graphic detail and animation going on. So that larger screen, often ranging anywhere from 7” to 10”, makes it a lot easier to tell what’s going on.

Real Canadian Money at Live Dealer Tablet CasinosI’ve played blackjack on a 5” smartphone, and a 10” Samsung Galaxy Tab A, and the difference is remarkable. The cards are easy enough to see on either screen, but if you need to view any additional info, like the pay table or dealer rules, those letters can get pretty small.

I find live dealer casino games to run better on an adequately built tablet, as well. The old Samsung Tab 3 Lite doesn’t handle them well at all, but the iPad Mini (or above) and SG Tab A run them seamlessly. Again, it’s not the dealer or cards that you have to squint to see on a smaller mobile screen, but the chat window and other textual content can become quite difficult to read.

Tablets are also more adept at multi-tasking than smartphones. If you want to run multiple browsers, cascade windows, and maybe listen to some tunes while you play, you’ll have no problem. Some smartphones are technically capable of this, but multi-screening on that tiny window? No, thank you…

Use Real Canadian Money at Tablet Casinos – Cons

Some of the downsides are obvious. The fact that tablets aren’t generally equipped to go anywhere you go – and sustain an internet connection – is the most notable. It’s also not recommended to connect to an open, public WiFi hotspot for the purpose of online gambling, or anything else financially related for that matter.

Open WiFi connections are not secure, therefore it’s much easier for a duplicitous hacker to infiltrate a user’s connection and possibly steal outgoing information. If you happen to be logging into a tablet casino website with your username and password, or entering financial details to make a deposit, you would not want anyone getting hold of that sensitive information!

Sign-Up – Deposit – Play!

If you’re ready to get started, all you’ll need is a good tablet, proper identification, and viable payment method. A bank account, credit card, prepaid card or eWallet will do. Choose an online casino that’s compatible with your tablet device (Android, iOS, etc.), and accepts Canadian players and CAD deposits.

There’s plenty of good ones out there. You can do some research into the integrity and longevity of different operators, or save yourself some time and join Royal Vegas Casino. Established 18 years ago, you won’t find any brand more trusted.

Tap on the Register / Join / Sign Up button and fill out the form. As a warning, don’t lie about your name or age, or you won’t be able to withdrawal later. You’ll need to give your name, address, and date of birth. When you’re done, log into the casino and tap your way to the banking section.

For this part, you’ll want a very secure connection! If you have any doubts at all, hop over to your PC and process your payment from there. Chances are you have a strong security program and firewall protecting your desktop or laptop. Choose a deposit method that suits you and follow the instructions. Be sure your chosen method allows you to deposit in CAD. Otherwise, you may get a charge for currency exchange fees, and no one wants that!

You should get a big juicy bonus on top of your deposit. Make sure you read the terms of how to spend and redeem those bonus dollars. From there, scour the games menu for an attractive title and get started.

Last but not least, remember that playing tablet casinos for real Canadian money is a form of entertainment. As always, play responsibly and have fun!

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