Farkle Archive

How to Win at Farkle – Rolling for Optimal Scoring Opportunities Every veteran Farkle player knows the rush of rolling a high-scoring combination out of the gate. The excitement of a 1-6 Straight, the exhilaration of two trips or a trio of pairs; the thrill of a perfect 6 of a Kind. These are...
Category Dice Games, Farkle, Strategies & Tips

There are actual several great and enjoyable ways to play Farkle for cash. Below, I'll describe some of the ways I've played, and other ways I've only heard about....
Category Dice Games, Farkle, Strategies & Tips

This Farkle game has a lot of the features you would expect, including single player, multi-player and tournament modes. The graphics are simply stunning and sound effects realistic. Best of all, it's a very straight-forward game. If you know how to play Farkle, you'll have no trouble jumping right into the action. Otherwise, tap...
Category Dice Games, Farkle, Mobile Apps

In the following passages, we'll explore the hypothetical origins of Farkle, as well as the more recent factual knowledge we know to be true. It may not make you a better Farkle player, but it will definitely give you an edge in the possession of unique knowledge next time you gather for game...
Category Dice Games, Farkle

Farkle is one of the most strategy-based dice games you'll come across; far more intricate than Yahtzee or Qwixx. We've already discussed a basic strategy guide for Farkle. Today, we'll delve deeper into the scientific realm of the game, where mathematical probabilities rein supreme over the Farkle universe!...
Category Dice Games, Farkle, Strategies & Tips
12 Apr

Farkle is a dice game based on risk, guts and ultimate glory for the winner. It's about taking chances that could lead to disaster, or win you the whole game in the final moments. Perhaps that's why it's still so popular after all these centuries....
Category Dice Games, Farkle