Skill Based Gambling Games that Require Strategy
Casino games of skill that you should never bother playing without the right strategy.

Casinos are brimming with all sorts of ways to place a wager. Hundreds, if not thousands of machines offer everything from multi-line slot machines to video poker and video keno. Tables are manned by fanciful dealers and croupiers, facilitating card games like Baccarat, Blackjack and Pai Gow Poker, dice games like Craps and Sic Bo, and wheel games like Roulette and Big Six.
Everywhere you look, there’s a new way to bet your bankroll. Choosing a game isn’t always so easy, though. First and foremost, you should only play games that you fully understand the rules of. And you should only choose games that you enjoy playing, since the reality is that you’re far more likely to lose money than win. With that fact understood, however, if you’re truly determined to get the best odds of winning, you should be playing skill based gambling games that require strategy to boost the RTP (return to player).
Casino Games of Skill
If that last statement describes you, forget about the slot machines, roulette wheels and craps tables. Don’t bother betting banker in baccarat, or wasting your cash on keno. If you seriously want the best odds of winning money – and bear in mind, there are absolutely no guarantees that you will – skill based gambling games are the only way to go.
There are only a few games on the casino floor – or near enough to it – that actually afford players an opportunity to increase the RTP by invoking perfect strategy. They include:
- Blackjack
- Video Poker
- 3 Card Poker
- Arcade-Style Games
- Poker (Player vs Player)
- Sports Betting
Don’t Play Without the Right Strategy
If you decide to wager on any of the games or activities above, don’t bother doing so without the right strategy. Neglecting proper tactics is a waste of time and money. We see all the time video poker games that boast a 99% RTP. But if you’re not making decisions that afford the highest chance of winning, you’ll be getting a much lower return. The same goes for bad decision in blackjack or 3 card poker.
Arcade style games are truly a unique source of skill-based gambling. I’ve seen quite a few of these games, and most of them have one thing in common. Skilled players have a super high RTP rate, while unskilled players can’t even rely on dumb luck for a win. If you’re not any good at the game, seriously, don’t bother. You really are throwing money away.
Poker and sports betting are exemplary choices for the simple fact that they are the only types of bets you can gain a positive expectation for. In poker, you’re competing against other players, not the house. Your odds of winning are not based on rules or pay table restrictions, but rather how well you stack up skill-wise to the other players at the table. Statistics have consistently shown that the better poker player will win more often, despite the ever-present luck factor that inevitably slides some chips into the less-tactful player’s stack.
Sports betting isn’t about being the better gambler, but the better handicapper. To handicap an event is to study it from all angles. Understanding the teams, the athletes, specific match-ups, right down to potential weather factors that could impact the results; the punter who does this effectively will win more often than the one who makes picks based on surface knowledge or random selections.
Are Skill Based Gambling Games Right for You?
Consider all of the information above. Is there a game or betting activity that piques your interest? Perhaps one that you’re already familiar with and find enjoyable? Take that ball and run with it, but not to the casinos. Do your research first. See what it takes to invoke the right strategy in these casino games of skill. Is this something you can manage without losing sight of the entertainment factor? If you can’t enjoy the process, win or lose, you’ll only be setting yourself up for disappointment.
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