25 Jan

Imminent Appeal of Virtual Reality Gambling

Virtual Reality Casino Apps: Preparing for the imminent VR invasion.

Virtual Reality Casino AppsIt’s about time we stop talking about virtual reality gambling as the impending trend of the future. The future is now, and it’s time we start preparing for it. Online casinos, software developers and electronics manufacturers are.

We’ve had access to early-stage technology for a few years now. VR headsets aren’t new, but they are sure getting better these days. VR casinos have been around for almost as long. The problem is that hardly anyone is using them – yet.

More Virtual Reality Casino Apps

There are more VR casino apps appearing than ever before. I’m not just talking about the free-play, social gaming variety, either. With Google loosening its restrictions on real money gambling apps last year, iGaming software companies are taking a second look at the potential of virtual reality.

The apps that already exist are expanding, as well. In the early days of VR gambling, game availability sucked, to put it bluntly. Now, we find a vast array of slot machines, poker, blackjack, roulette, baccarat, video poker, and more, all playable for real money in the virtual realm.

It’s not surprising that it’s taken so long for developers to jump on the VR wagon. Investing so much time and money into something that may go big, or plummet faster than an avalanche down the Swiss Alps, is a tricky field to navigate. But the same thing happened with mobile gambling.

The first mobile casino games appeared in 2003, and it was almost a decade before those to took off. Now, every game available in a desktop format is playable on smartphones and tablets. In 2017, mobile gaming surpassed desktop gaming for the first time in history.

Just this month, VR tech got a whole lot more advanced, too. Lenovo introduced the new Mirage Solo, the very first wireless, stand-alone VR headset, at CES 2018. No doubt, other electronics companies are already working hard to copy the all-in-one (AIO) design. That will drive the price down, and the sales will be off the charts, bringing VR into every home around the world.

Imminent Love Affair with Virtual Reality Gambling

Virtual Reality Gambling - VR PokerAbsolutely anyone and everyone with a vested interest in the gambling sector is going to fall in love with virtual reality. There’s potential in every single direction.

For players, VR casino apps will give them the ultimate experience from home. For online casinos, it will be yet another fascinating vertical to boost revenue. Software developers too – easy money. There are even benefits for the governments who regulate online gambling, especially here in Canada.

Each province where casino gambling is legal could save a massive amount of money by going virtual. No multi-million construction fees, minimal maintenance, no local residents whining about the ills of having a casino in their neighborhood (crime, traffic, etc.)

Even land-based casinos could embrace the virtual realm, if they so choose. And it just might be the answer to the biggest question of the decade – how to attract the millennial generation?

Casinos are already building special high-tech lounges with tablets built into the tables for gaming. Why not upgrade to virtual reality gambling, where a player can traverse the actual casino floor without ever leaving their seat?

The possibilities are endless. Gambling wouldn’t have to be the only option, either. Customers could explore all kinds of virtual features. Imagine seeing a hotel room before you book it? Or taking that famous Las Vegas tour feature – a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam – without ever leaving the ground?

VR gambling isn’t just a thing of the future. It is happening now. Virtual reality casino apps are here, and the experience is only going to get better.

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