Strategies & Tips Archive

How to Win at Farkle – Rolling for Optimal Scoring Opportunities Every veteran Farkle player knows the rush of rolling a high-scoring combination out of the gate. The excitement of a 1-6 Straight, the exhilaration of two trips or a trio of pairs; the thrill of a perfect 6 of a Kind. These are...
Category Dice Games, Farkle, Strategies & Tips

This quick high card poker drinking game will get your group buzzed faster than you can say, “Fold!” This is a fast-paced drinking game that’s great for starting or ending a night of social consumption. It probably won’t get you wasted, but it will definitely get a buzz going, or keep it going when...
Category Card Games, Drinking Games, Indian Poker, Strategies & Tips

There are two key elements to this trick, and both rely singularly on you and your partner coming to an understanding prior to the game. If you happen to play regularly with different partners, this cheat isn't going to get you very far. Only share the information with one person – the one...
Category Card Games, Euchre, Strategies & Tips

Also akin to poker, you may feel that staking a friendly wager on the outcome of a game will make it all the more interesting. That's not necessarily the case. Quite the contrary, it's just as likely to promote dissension in the ranks - anarchy among the masses! But there are ways to...
Category Board Games, Card Games, Coup, Strategies & Tips

Is wagering on 9-5-2 a good idea? This is an excellent question, but not one so easily answered. Most card games are perfect for a little friendly wagering. Everyone tosses in a nickel, quarter, or dollar, just to make things a little more interesting. But in most card games, there aren't too many...
Category 9-5-2, Card Games, Strategies & Tips

There are actual several great and enjoyable ways to play Farkle for cash. Below, I'll describe some of the ways I've played, and other ways I've only heard about....
Category Dice Games, Farkle, Strategies & Tips

Farkle is one of the most strategy-based dice games you'll come across; far more intricate than Yahtzee or Qwixx. We've already discussed a basic strategy guide for Farkle. Today, we'll delve deeper into the scientific realm of the game, where mathematical probabilities rein supreme over the Farkle universe!...
Category Dice Games, Farkle, Strategies & Tips

Evaluation of the average score in a Yahtzee game, compared to the best case scenario we'll probably never see in our lifetime....
Category Dice Games, Strategies & Tips, Yahtzee

At a glance, Yahtzee may appear to be one of the simplest games of chance you could possibly partake in. You have five dice, and up to three rolls to achieve a number combination worthy of scoring. Shake 'em, toss 'em and hope for the best, right? Chance – the noun, not the 5-dice...
Category Dice Games, Strategies & Tips, Yahtzee

This strategy for Yahtzee will help you win (almost) every game! Everyone knows using a proper strategy is the best way to win casino games like blackjack and video poker. Pairing up with an expert partner in Bridge, Cribbage or Euchre will increase your longevity in tournaments. But there’s no good strategy for Yahtzee…...
Category Dice Games, Strategies & Tips, Yahtzee