Creights Archive

Honestly, I probably shouldn’t be writing this page. Sure, there are some effective ways to increase your odds of winning Creights. There are specific opportunities to watch out for – cards to love and loathe – tactful maneuvers to better destroy your opponents. But that isn’t what the game of Creights is about! Well,...
Category Card Games, Creights, Strategies & Tips

Creights (a.k.a. Crates, or Craits) is a mash-up of two older card games, Crazy Eights and Uno. Ostensibly developed to give adults a more entertaining and challenging way to play popular children’s games, it’s enjoyed immense popularity throughout North America—especially here in Canada and northern US states—for nearly half a century. Before we get...
Category Card Games, Creights
27 Jun

As is so often the case with Canada’s most popular card games, there are multiple variations that can be applied to the Standard Rules of Creights (aka Crates). While the traditional rules are most commonly followed, changing things up can make the game more interesting, and give more experienced players a greater, or lesser,...
Category Card Games, Creights

Creights (aka Crates) is one of the most unique and fast-paced fun party games you’ll ever play. It’s a speed version of the classic children’s game, Crazy Eights, with a lot more rules to confuse and confound you—which is the whole point! In fact, the name Creights is an amalgamation of the title, Crazy Eights,...
Category Card Games, Creights